Thursday, 6 October 2011


It's nearly been a month since my 22nd birthday on the 13th of September.

It was made complete with a penis cake made by the restaurant and a pizza base thrown over my head. 

Most of all I was just really happy to have all the people I care about around a table all together for once. I remember feeling very lucky to know so many great people. These girls have been around for nearly ten years now. Sometimes we don't talk on the phone for weeks but I know they're there. I know that given an occasion where we need each other, be it happy or sad we'll be there. It's very sentimental, and i'm a complete cheese ball, but I do sort of believe that people are around for a reason, season or lifetime. I hope it's the latter with these girls. 

It takes me a long time to warm to people. But there are additions to my life over the years, especially the last few years that I'm glad i've met and got to know.


I've got a cold so I think i'm feeling especially emotional and needy. I'm sure next time I write anything i'll get my bitch back on.